Cartoon Network Video App

Watch Cartoon Network shows wherever you are! Here is just a sampling of features that I have designed for the Cartoon Network Video App.
Platforms: iOS, Android, Roku

Amber Grim
Marietta Engle

Justin Smith

Rob Craig
Mario Piedra

Showpage Redesign

This project was a ton of fun. The directive was to add autoplay video to each property’s showpage. I decided to design a unique experience, where the video is large on initial load, but animates smaller to the left side of the page allowing for the user to continue watching while they browse episodes. Inactivity will launch the user into full screen mode.

Initial Prototype:


Recommended Banners

There are so many new things added to the CN app every day, we needed a way to tout this front and center on our All Shows page. I designed these recommended banners to allow for multiple messages and they’ve been a huge success for driving users to new content.



While the credits are playing, these graphics provide a large impact for editorial messaging. I created several templates for these, including: notification reminders, adding shows to your mix, and even jokes!